Machine Learning's Most Useful Multitool: Embeddings

You, Me, and My AI-Generated Alternate Identity

An Impractical Guide to AI on Google Cloud

Build an Animal/Object Tracking Camera App with TensorFlow.js

Transformers, Explained: Understand the Model Behind GPT-3, BERT, and T5

How I, One Humble Engineer, Deal With Imposter Syndrome

AI Dubs Over Subs? Translating and Dubbing Videos with AI

DALL·E Explained in Under 5 Minutes

AlphaFold 2 Explained: A Semi-Deep Dive

I Built an AI Stylist Inspired by Social Media

A Beginner's Guide to Painless ML on Google Cloud

Build a Machine Learning Model in 10 Minutes

Convert PDFs to Audiobooks with Machine Learning
Ever wish you could listen to documents? In this post, we’ll use machine learning to transform PDFs into audiobooks.

Employers: Your Machine Learning Hires Don't Need PhDs or Masters Degrees
Asking Machine Learning/AI hires to have fancy degrees is outdated. Here’s why.

Build Apps Powered by Language with Semantic ML
In this post, I’ll show you how to use beginner-friendly ML tools–Semantic Reactor and TensorFlow.js–to build an app that’s powered by natural language.

GPT-3 Explained in Under 3 Minutes
Peek under the hood of GPT-3 in under 3 minutes.

Can AI Make You a Better Athlete? Using Machine Learning to Analyze Tennis Serves and Penalty Kicks
I’ll show you how to use machine learning to analyze your performance in your sport of choice (mine’s Tennis!).

Build Your Own AI Moderator Bot for Discord with the Perspective API
In this post, I’ll show you how to build an AI-powered moderator bot for the Discord chat platform using the Perspective API.

Building an AI-Powered Searchable Video Archive
In this post, I’ll show you how to build an AI-powered, searchable video archive using machine learning and Google Cloud–no experience required.

Building a Talking Trivia Alarm Clock, Part 3: Dialogflow Fulfillments

Building a Talking Trivia Alarm Clock, Part 2: Streaming Dialogflow on a Raspberry Pi

Building a Talking Trivia Alarm Clock, Part 1: Intro to Dialogflow
Learn how to get started with Dialogflow by building a simple alarm clock chatbot.

Streaming Dialogflow on your Desktop/Device/Raspberry Pi
Turn your local computer into a listening, talking Voice User Interface powered by Dialogflow.

Building a Deep-Learning-Powered (Baby) Name Generator
What can Wikipedia biographies and Deep Neural Networks tell us about what’s in a name?

Software Developers: You’re Learning Machine Learning Upside Down
Most of us learn Machine Learning from the ground up. But the skills developers need to be effective users of ML is something totally different. So what should the forward-looking software engineer learn about AI today?

Improving Machine Translation with the Google Translation API Advanced
What’s Google’s new Translation API Advanced (v3), and how can you use it to improve machine translations?

How Machine Learning is Transforming Healthcare at Google and Beyond
Google and others are recruiting algorithms to spot cancer in medical scans, predict the outcome of hospital visits, and more. Here’s how.

Parsing Structured Documents with Custom Entity Extraction
Build your own custom entity extraction model with easy-to-use Machine Learning tools